
Вызывали с другом двух девушек за город, отдохнули великолепно. Девчонки красивые, стройные, еще и зажигалки))

Дима, Истра

Приглашал в гостиницу девушку, полное соответствие с фото, даже лучше. Отлично провел время.

Альберт, Самара

Классно потусили с девочками на яхте. Все красотки с зачетными фигурами!

Михаил, Москва

Все хорошо организовано, четко и профессионально. Получил очень приятные впечатления от встречи с девушкой модельной внешности плюс еще и образованной.

Алексей, Москва

Used the escort services of this agency when I needed TOP-model girls with the English knowledge for my foreign partners. The task was to be present at the meeting, escort the guests, and after that to go to a karaoke-bar or a night club. The girls were really of a high level, perfect English, good manners and, of course, very beautiful and tidy. My partners were indeed satisfied. Recommend the agency. 

Petr, Moscow

Used this agency to find an escort for a trip to Europe for 10 days. The manager told me everything in details. I paid for the access and immediately got a password for the catalogue. I chose a girl, and the agency also helped me to buy the plane tickets and organize the trip. In general, I was satisfied with the girl and the managers’ work. Recommend this agency. 

Alexandr, Moscow

I was in Moscow on a business trip and decided to spend the evening with a beautiful girl. The choice in this agency is pretty big, to choose one girl was really difficult. The manager helped me with the choice taking into account all my preferences. The girl was as beautiful as she was in the photo. As a result, the evening was amazing! Thanks for the help. As soon as I come to Moscow one more time, I’ll contact the agency again. 

Roman, Yekaterinburg
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